hCare Access
Help Guide
Question: What are the minimum system requirements for hCare Access?
WindowsSupported Windows Operating Systems:
For full functionality on Windows XP, .NET 2.0 SP 1 - 3.5 is required.
- Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
Supported Browsers:
- Internet Explorer Version 6.0 - 8.0
- Mozilla Firefox Version 1.0 - 3.0+
- Google Chrome Version 9.0+
- Safari Version 4.0+
MacSupported Mac Operating Systems: Supported Browsers:
- Mac OS X Version 10.4 or higher (Intel- & PowerPC-based) 32-bit and 64-bit
- Safari Version 4.0+
- Mozilla Firefox Version 1.0 - 3.0+
- Google Chrome Version 9.0+
Question 1: What is the Single Sign-On Toolbar for?
Answer 1: Your Single Sign-On Toolbar is designed to simplify the log-in process by programming your password information. After the initial set-up, your Single Sign-On Toolbar will automatically sign you in. To find out more information, click here.
Question 2: Do physicians have access to UpToDate within hCare Access?
Answer 2: Yes. Physicians can access UpToDate by clicking on the Clinical Reference icon located on the desktop of your hCare Access Workstation.
Question 3: Why do I have to answer these security questions every time?
Answer 3: Make sure after you select below the security questions “Yes, I plan to use this computer in the future.” Also make sure you do not disable cookies. The cookie will last one year before asking questions again.
Question 4: What was the website to reset my password?
Answer 4: https://passwordreset.app.medcity.net Warning: this site will only work if you have setup a mobile texting number with your profile first. Ask your local Physician Support Coordinator how.
Question 5: Why am I getting a 404 error?
Answer 5: You possibly have another webpage pointing to https://farwest.ns.medcity.net/vpn/index.html. Close the corresponding window or all browser windows and run your shortcut again. Otherwise, modify your hCare Access shortcut to point to the root website https://farwest.ns.medcity.net.Question 6: I am getting a 1030 Error or SSL 29, what do I do now?
Answer 6: Call the IT service desk number (see number below).Question 7: The system rejected my security question answers three times and now I can’t log in.
Answer 7: You were locked out by security questions and need to contact the IT service desk (see above).Question 8: I walked away from my computer for over 25 minutes and it now says my session is locked.
Answer 8: You will need to add @HCA to your username to log back in. For example, ABC1234@HCA.Question 9: I can’t see the website https://farwest.ns.medcity.net. I have internet connectivity and use Comcast.
Answer 9: There is a known issue with Comcast Subscribers. Please contact the service desk and provide your external IP address if known (you can google “external ip address”, look for the 50.xx.xx.xx address listed as public IP address).
Internet Explorer 9 or Higher:
Question 1: Who do I keep getting a download 100% in my downloads for a launch.ica file?
Answer 1: Uninstall Citrix Receiver. Then download and run Citrix Web Plugin 12.3 http://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-receiver/
legacy-client-software/online-plug-in-123.html, close all browser sessions and launch https://farwest.ns.medcity.net again
Question 2: The screen is asking for additional information required. What do I type?
Answer 2: In the blank to the right enter in a new password as your password is expired. The page afterwards is asking you to confirm. To adjust so the password expiration prompt text is visible, see Answer 4.
Question 3: A prompt confirming an authenticated site shows up every time I login, how do I avoid that?
Answer 3: Make sure when you’re adding to your trusted sites you have included both of these addresses: https://farwest.ns.medcity.net and https://aidc-aa.ns.medcity.netQuestion 4: It doesn’t ask me for a username and password, all I see is a blank screen.
Answer 4: Look up in the upper right hand corner of the window for an icon of a gear (usually next to a star). Click on the gear and click on Compatibility View Settings. The prompt should ask to add medcity.net, click add then close to refresh the page.
Question 1: The screen is asking for additional information required. What do I type?
Answer 1: In the blank to the right enter in a new password as your password is expired. The page afterwards is asking you to confirm. If you left click and drag the black margin on the left you should see what it’s actually prompting you for.
Question 2: I have Citrix Receiver 12.3+ or 4.3x installed on my computer although it's still not working through firefox.
Answer 2: You may have the Citrix Online Lanucher installed and need to disable it. See https://support.citrixonline.com/en_US/GoToMeeting/
Google Chrome:
Question 1: Why does chrome download a Launch.ica every time I click on the Click to Connect?
Answer 1: The launch.ica is how the website requests a session from the server to your device. Make sure to click the launch.ica on the download bar at the bottom your Chrome Window to start the session.Question 2: How can I make it run so I don’t have to click on the launch.ica each time?
Answer 2: On the right hand side of the launch.ica there should be a tiny arrow next to the file button in the download bar. Use a left click on the arrow and select the option to Always open files of this type.
Question 1: I logged in, clicked continue, and nothing is happening. Even Click to Connect doesn’t work
Answer 1: If you skipped the installation prompt to download and run the Citrix Plugin installation. You can also find the Citrix Plugin at http://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-receiver/legacy-client-software/receiver-for-mac-118.html
Question 2: I am trying to install Citrix and I am getting an unidentified developer error?
Answer 2: Mac OS X 10.8 by default requires applications to be authenticated by Apple. To allow access to install Citrix, see these instructions https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=25443iPad:
Question 1: Where is the keyboard?
Answer 1: To access the digital keyboard once you have logged, you can click on the button in the top center of your screen (usually a black and white square patterned icon) and click on Keyboard. Alternatively, if you use three fingers simultaneously on the screen it should also bring up the keyboard.
Question 2: How come I can’t click on anything?
Answer 2: Generally, a swift tap on the screen represents a single left click. A tap and hold simulates a right click. If you are unable to hit the mark with your finger, try zooming in first with a pinch. See http://blogs.citrix.com/2010/04/04/citrix-receiver-for-ipad-gestures/ for more information.