We’re pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2020 HCA Healthcare Sunrise Health System will be in-network for over 500,000 Las Vegas area Health Plan of Nevada/Sierra Health & Life/Sierra Health-Care Options members. Providing more than 32 access points to high-quality health care in the heart of the communities we service.

The new in-network status includes both Commercial and Medicaid products with more access to great healthcare in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Locations include:

If patients or members have coverage questions, please call Member Services at the number on the back of their health plan ID card or call the HCA Healthcare Sunrise Health System support hotline at (702) 963-9201.

We are proud to offer our Consult-A-Nurse program for the community and our patients. This is a free service designed to provide you with physician referrals and health information. To Find A Doctor affiliated with Sunrise Health System please visit the link or call (702) 233-5300.

HPN/Sierra Now In Network